
Meat and Olive Analyzer
This rapid and portable NIR analyzer sets new standards for advanced and portable NIR analysis. It is cost effective, accurate, compact, portable, low weight, and battery operated which enabling user to verify raw material compositions, improve consistency and ensure quality of finished products any time, with results in real time. It is designed and calibrated primarily for meat and olive product analysis.

Portable NIR Grain Analyzer
Portable NIR grain analyzer that is rapid, accurate, and battery driven. It measures moisture, protein, and oil in grains and oilseeds. It is equipped with GPS allows for creation of field maps by constituent.
Benchtop NIR Analyzer
It is fast, accurate, easy-to-use, versatile and robust in any type of environment. It combines outstanding analytical accuracy with speed, ease of use and ruggedness. It comes pre-calibrated for a wide range of applications, and determines moisture, protein, fat and many other parameters in all types of samples, i.e whole grains, powders, pastes, pellets, slurries and liquids on one instrument. Case designed for at-line placement. It comes in two versions – one for general use and a stainless steel, sanitary design version, for use in the food industry.
In-line NIR Analyzer
This advanced and accurate In-line NIR analyzer provides results through industry standard communications interfaces. The real-time measurement readings may be displayed on either a dedicated PC with user interface software or be fully integrated in existing plant control and quality management systems. The instrument is specifically designed to measure inside a chamber or vessel. The optical front end protrudes through the wall of the chamber, and the product is presented to the instrument. It is installed in a wide range of agri-food industries for analysis of grains, pellets, pastes, powders, slurries, liquids and more as the product is conveyed through a process.- Enables automatic process control
- Allows immediate manual intervention.
- Faster start-up and grade changes
- Complete traceability of the entire production