Quality laboratory products and project management services

LT Resources has provided products to medical, educational and other industry professionals across. We’re proud to provide products that have helped many of our customers reach their hypothesis. Throughout our years in the industry, we’ve developed an in-depth knowledge of various brands and models of equipment. Therefore, we have the industry expertise to provide you with products that exceed expectations. We strive to deliver the highest quality equipment available in the market at affordable prices. If we don’t stock the product you’re looking for, we’ll source it from one of our trusted suppliers or custom manufacturers.

Product Highlights

Kinetex Core-shell Technology delivers dramatic improvements in efficiency over fully porous media which can be leveraged to increase resolution, improve productivity, reduce solvent consumption, and decrease costs. Whether you are running HPLC or UHPLC methods, the Kinetex Core-shell family can deliver shockingly improved performance over the current column you are using. >> Explore What’s New with Kinetex! The Kinetex product line, application library, and technical resources are constantly expanding. Check out what’s been released in the past few months.
Enhanced with 20 Years of technology, innovation, and experience, Luna Omega columns build upon the Luna legacy to now provide incredible HPLC/UHPLC performance and selectivity. With Luna Omega columns you gain:
  • Greater separation muscle
  • Better peak shape through an inert foundation
  • Extreme ruggedness and dependability
>> Explore What’s New with Luna!  
Explore Zebron GC Columns
  • Low Bleed
  • Designed to provide high resolution separations
  • Engineered by expert Phenomenex Gas Chromatography scientists
  • 3 R&D 100 Awards
>> Explore What’s New with Zebron!
  • Easily retain target analytes
  • Effectively remove contaminants
  • Cleanup and concentrate analytes
>> Explore What’s New with Phenomenex Sample Prep Products!

Our Products

Sample Preparation

Sample Preparation Equipment is thoughtfully designed to facilitate the efficient and precise processing of sample material in a laboratory setting. Sample Preparation Equipment is oriented toward smaller scale particle size reduction and sample division activities that are commonly associated with laboratory activities. These units can be installed in sampling system buildings to process material after it is collected by a mechanical sampling system before it is sent to a lab for final testing, or at the lab itself.

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Gas Chromatography (GC)

Whether you're looking for the ultimate in inertness, need peak performance, or you just want the essentials, we'll help you find a Zebron GC column that achieves your goals.

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Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC)

Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) is a chromatographic method which separates analytes solely based on their size, where molecules are separated on the basis of their exclusion from pores in the column packing material. Larger analytes will elute first, while the smaller molecules interact more with the stationary phase and will elute later.

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Chiral chromatography refers to the separation of enantiomers using a chiral HPLC column, an HPLC column that is packed with a chiral stationary phase (CSP). Enantiomers are separated based on the number and type of each interaction that occurs during their exposure to the chiral stationary phase. Some chiral stationary phases (CSPs) are able to separate a wide range of chiral compounds, while others are useful only for specific types of chiral compounds.

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Synthetic DNA/RNA Purification /Analysis

Oligonucleotides are DNA or RNA polymers that are assembled in a step-wise synthesis reaction where each nucleotide is added to the chain. The synthesis typically goes between 18-40 cycles with around 21 mers being the most common length. While the synthesis chemistry is very efficient, each cycle generates little bits of impurity due to the nucleotide not being added to the chain. The result is a mixture of full length sequences and shorter sequences (truncated). Olignoucleotide purification is the process of removing these shorter sequences from the desired full length sequences.

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Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Our reversed phase HPLC Column Match web tool allows you to develop reversed methods without having to go on the lab. Quickly and easily reversed HPLC column develop methods based on compound type, USP methods, application, or desired column phase. So take off you lab coat, relax and let our web tool do the work.

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General lab accessories supply >> Read more
Preparative/Process Chromatography

An advanced preparative column packing and hardware design, Axia incorporates patented Hydraulic Piston Compression technology that offers increased sorbent bed density and eliminates media bed collapse as a source of premature column failure in preparative HPLC columns.

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Our Strategic Partners

Together with our renowned group of strategic business partners, our mission is to bring novel technologies, tools and quality products to our clients who are in the noble industry for the betterment of Healthcare and Life Sciences.

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